Dwerve Free Download
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Dwerve Free Download

Dwerve Free Download: A fun and action-packed indie game with tower defense combat! In this epic adventure, you will crawl through the kingdom looking for treasure. You can defend yourself by setting up turrets or traps to fight off any creature that comes your way – just don’t get caught inside their area of effect because they’ll cause major damage (and maybe even kill ya). Punch them into pits if need be; pull monsters in on spinning blades so all eyes are focus-firing at once–zap burn ’em until there’s nothing left but ash!!

About This Game:

Swerve is a new tower defense dungeon crawler RPG where you play as an adventurous young dwarf tinkerer who sets out to protect his people from the bloodthirsty Queen Vandra and her army of trolls. You’ll be able to use only what technologies were lost by ancient wordsmiths centuries ago: namely, turrets & traps! These are all that stand between them and victory over this surface world–but it won’t come without cost…

Dwerve Free Download

You are in a constant battle for control of the map. Build turrets and traps to deflect swarms of monsters!

dwarven mine, an exclusive location that can only be accessed by creating custom levels with our robust level editor tools to defend yourself against these aggressors before they destroy you from within or without.

Dwerve Free Download

Heed the call of adventure and explore a ruined kingdom brimming with hidden secrets! Find treasures in this forgotten land, but beware- some puzzles are more challenging than they seem.

You’ll need wit and fast reflexes to survive! The upgrades include things like the Dragonfire Boots, Lionheart Shield (which gives you extra protection), and Gurrakk’s Warhammer – a powerful weapon that can be upgraded three times.

Dwerve Free Download
Dwerve Free Download

You also have access to some cool companions such as the traveler who has skills for crowd control or Berzerker Warrior whose attacks drain enemy stamina points so they’re easier targets, but these won’t last long if enemies attack first…

System Requirements:


  • OS: Wind 10 64 bit or Newer Version of windows
  • Cpu Processor: Intel’s I3 4th Gen Cpu or Better one of AMD
  • RAM: 4 Gega Byte or more
  • Graphics Card: Nvidia’s GTX 660 2 Gega Byte Version or better
  • Disk Space: 3 Gega Byte Hard Disk Space


  • OS: Wind 7 64 bit or Newer Version of windows
  • RAM: 2 Gega Byte or more
  • Cpu Processor: Intel’s Core 2 Duo or Better one of the AMD
  • Graphics Card: Nvidia’s GT 610 Gega Byte Version or better
  • Disk Space: 3 Gega Byte Hard Disk Space
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